Silicon Briquette

Product: Si Briquette
Model:  Si45, Si50, Si55, Si60, Si65
Application: Deoxidizer for Steelmaking and Iron Casting
Size: Briquettes, Bricks, Blocks
Packing: Jumbo bags
Model No.Chemical Composition (%)
Si 4545570.10.05
Si 5050570.10.05
Si 5555560.10.05
Si 6060450.10.05
Si 6565350.10.05

Silicon briquette is a new type of ferroalloy product. Generally, it is made by si briquette manufacturers by pressing silicon powder with different silicon (Si) contents through professional briquette equipment. Actually, silicon briquette or bricks have a broadly usage in many industries, especially in the steel-making industry.

In the steel-making process, both silicon and silicon carbide have the characteristics of fast deoxidation and slag-forming. It plays a role as deoxidizer and alloy additive to deoxidize and purify molten steel. Additionally, compared with ordinary Silicon Slag, silicon slag briquette is easier to adjust its silicon content according to needs. The shape of briquette is also more easily melted and absorbed in the molten steel.

The specifications and models of silicon ball (briquette) are different. For example, common si briquette models include Si briquette 45, Si briquette 55 and Si briquette 65. Furthermore, the use of silicon briquettes can improve the quality and performance of molten steel, at the same time, it also reducing production costs.

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